Dear Janti Soeripto – President and Chief Executive Officer,
Dear Inger Ashing – International Chief Executive Officer,

We at Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics (PANDA) urge Save the Children to stand with PANDA in support of The Declaration for the Protection of Children and Young People from the COVID-19 Response.

Save the Children’s website notes that “Coronavirus is the biggest global health, social and economic crisis of our lifetime and is tearing children’s lives apart.” Furthermore, Save the Children’s devastating Protect A Generation report maintains that “Although children are not at high risk of direct harm from the virus, they are disproportionately affected by its hidden impacts” – in other words from the response to the virus. The report predicts that many children will die from preventable causes as a result of lockdowns, school closures, lack of access to health care, food insecurity, home violence and poverty. PANDA’s Declaration addresses these issues and, in addition, raises concerns about the indirect  physical and psychological harms caused by non-pharmaceutical interventions imposed on children.

“We are not living our childhood” – 12-year-old girl, Syria.

Children and young people have the right to live without fear, to play and have fun and to develop their potential. They have the right to pursue a well-rounded education encompassing numeracy, literacy, arts, culture and physical education.

“My message for leaders is that (…) they don’t take us into account” – 17-year-old boy, El Salvador.

The rights stipulated in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child put the responsibility squarely on adults to protect children from harm and injustice, and provide a positive environment in which to grow and learn.

“Take care of us because our situation is only getting worse” – 16-year-old girl, Lebanon.

PANDA is deeply concerned for the wellbeing and future prospects of children and young people all over the world. We urge you to read our declaration and take action to save the children.

Find attached PANDA’s Declaration for the Protection of Children and Young People from the COVID-19 Response.

Page 1: The Declaration For the Protection Of Children And Young People From the COVID-19 Response
Page 2: Actions to Re-establish Normality
Actions to Facilitate Recovery
Annex A: Scientific Literature behind COVID-19 Regarding Children and Young People
Annex B: Scientific Literature on Masks
Annex C: Scientific Literature on the Effects of the COVID-19 Response on Children and Young People

We look forward to your reply.

PANDA (Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics)

Sign the Declaration